
The parser converts a sequence of tokens into an abstract syntax tree (AST). Type definitions for the AST are found in ast.ts. See also the MJr language grammar.

The parser is hand-written, to avoid a separate stage of converting a parse tree into an AST, and hopefully to give more helpful syntax error messages. It is a top-down recursive descent parser without backtracking (also known as a predictive parser), with a single-token lookahead; expressions with unary and binary operators are parsed by an operator precedence parser.

For AST nodes with “arguments” (name/value pairs in braces), the parseArgs method is used to avoid repetition of code. The constant ARGS specifies the argument names for nodes which have arguments, and maps each argument name to a boolean indicating whether that argument is required.

Operator precedence

The following table shows the precedences of operators, plus some other syntactic constructs which are similar to operators and which occur at the boundaries of some expressions.

Operator Description Associativity
(), [], {} Highest precedence
x.attr Not an operator; x must be a simple name, keyword name or attribute access expression Left
load, randint, sum Function expressions
+x, -x Unary positive, unary negative
*, /, //, % Multiplication, division, floor-division, modulo Left
+, - Addition and subtraction Left
==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Comparisons Neither
not Logical negation
and Logical conjunction Left
or Logical disjunction Left
-> Not an operator; delimits patterns in rules
… if … else … Conditional expression Right
= Not an operator
, Not an operator; delimits name/value pairs
Declaration in … Lowest precedence. Not an operator; may only occur in bracketed expressions Right

The comparison operators are neither left- nor right-associative. This is intended to catch mistakes like a < b < c in the parser, so that a specific syntax error message can be emitted instead of a less helpful type error. Additionally, by not allowing otherwise-valid expressions like a == b == c (where c is a bool), this design decision also leaves open the possibility to later add chained comparisons to the language without breaking existing programs.