
The grammar for the MJr programming language has five main parts:

The grammar assumes a filtered token stream, in which WHITESPACE and COMMENT tokens are removed, NEWLINE tokens inside brackets are removed, and consecutive NEWLINE tokens are collapsed into one. Newlines which occur between parentheses, square brackets or braces are also removed. Additionally, a NEWLINE token is assumed to be present before the EOF (end-of-file) token, even if the input source code does not have a trailing newline.

Parsing expression grammar

The language grammar is formally described by the following parsing expression grammar (PEG).

In the following grammar, UpperCamelCase indicates a non-terminal symbol, UPPER_SNAKE_CASE indicates a token of the respective kind, and 'quotes' indicate a literal token. The symbol | is used for ordered choice, but to the best of my knowledge, the grammar is unambiguous even if it is taken to mean unordered choice.

CompilationUnit = Statement* EOF

Args = NameValuePairs?

NameValuePairs = '{' (NameValuePair ',')* NameValuePair? '}'
NameValuePair  = SimpleNameExpr '=' Expression

CharSet = '[' (Char+ | '^' Char*) ']'


Declaration = LegendDecl | LetDecl | SymmetryDecl | UnionDecl

LegendDecl   = 'legend' PatternLiteralExpr
LetDecl      = 'let' 'param'? SimpleNameExpr '=' Expression
SymmetryDecl = 'symmetry' StrLiteralExpr
UnionDecl    = 'union' PatternLiteralExpr '=' Expression


Expression = TernaryExpr

TernaryExpr     = OrExpr ('if' OrExpr 'else' TernaryExpr)?
OrExpr          = (OrExpr 'or')? AndExpr
AndExpr         = (AndExpr 'and')? NotExpr
NotExpr         = 'not' NotExpr | CmpExpr
CmpExpr         = (AddExpr CmpOp)? AddExpr
AddExpr         = (AddExpr AddOp)? MultExpr
MultExpr        = (MultExpr MultOp)? UnaryExpr
UnaryExpr       = UnaryOp UnaryExpr | FuncExpr
FuncExpr        = FuncOp FuncExpr | BracketedExpr
BracketedExpr   = '(' DeclarationExpr ')' | PrimaryExpr
DeclarationExpr = Declaration 'in' DeclarationExpr | Expression

CmpOp   = '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>='
AddOp   = '+' | '-'
MultOp  = '*' | '/' | '//' | '%'
UnaryOp = '+' | '-'
FuncOp  = 'count' | 'load' | 'randint' | 'sum'

PrimaryExpr = DictExpr | GridExpr | LiteralExpr | NameExpr
DictExpr    = NameValuePairs
GridExpr    = 'grid' Args PatternLiteralExpr

LiteralExpr        = BoolLiteralExpr | FloatLiteralExpr | IntLiteralExpr | PatternLiteralExpr | StringLiteralExpr
BoolLiteralExpr    = 'false' | 'true'
FloatLiteralExpr   = FLOAT
IntLiteralExpr     = INT
PatternLiteralExpr = '[' (Char | CharSet)+ ('/' (Char | CharSet)+)* ']'

NameExpr        = AttributeExpr | KeywordNameExpr | SimpleNameExpr
AttributeExpr   = NameExpr '.' NAME
KeywordNameExpr = 'at' | 'origin' | 'random'
SimpleNameExpr  = NAME


Rule = DeclarationRule | FieldRule | ObserveRule | RewriteRule

DeclarationRule = Declaration (NEWLINE Rule* | 'in' RuleBlockChildren)
FieldRule       = 'field' Args NEWLINE
ObserveRule     = 'observe' OrExpr '->' OrExpr ('->' OrExpr)? ('if' OrExpr)? NEWLINE
RewriteRule     = OrExpr '->' OrExpr ('if' OrExpr)? NEWLINE

RuleBlockChildren = ':' (Rule | NEWLINE INDENT Rule+ DEDENT)


Statement = BareUseStmt | DeclarationStmt | LogStmt | ModifiableStmt | PassStmt | UseStmt

ModifiableStmt = BlockStmt | ConvChainStmt | ModifiedStmt | PathStmt | PutStmt | RuleBlockStmt
BlockStmt      = MarkovStmt | SequenceStmt
RuleBlockStmt  = AllStmt | ConvolutionStmt | MapStmt | OnceStmt | OneStmt | PrlStmt
ModifiedStmt   = LimitStmt

AllStmt         = 'all' Args RuleBlockChildren
BareUseStmt     = GridExpr NEWLINE
ConvChainStmt   = 'convchain' Args NEWLINE
ConvolutionStmt = 'convolution' Args RuleBlockChildren
DeclarationStmt = Declaration (NEWLINE Statement* | 'in' StmtBlockChildren)
LimitStmt       = '@' 'limit' Expression NEWLINE ModifiableStmt
LogStmt         = 'log' Expression NEWLINE
MapStmt         = 'map' Args RuleBlockChildren
MarkovStmt      = 'markov' StmtBlockChildren
OnceStmt        = 'once' RuleBlockChildren
OneStmt         = 'one' Args RuleBlockChildren
PassStmt        = 'pass' NEWLINE
PathStmt        = 'path' Args NEWLINE
PrlStmt         = 'prl' RuleBlockChildren
PutStmt         = 'put' OrExpr 'at' OrExpr ('if' OrExpr)? NEWLINE
SequenceStmt    = 'sequence' StmtBlockChildren
UseStmt         = 'use' Expression NEWLINE | 'use' LetDecl NEWLINE Statement*

StmtBlockChildren = ':' (Statement | NEWLINE INDENT Statement+ DEDENT)